Hi Friends,
Well what a blast this past weekend as 8 families and a few extra special guests joined us for a long weekend of camping. Most of us getting up in those years where a real mattress and a real roof over your head is preferred but we sucked it up and had a blast.
It would not be right if I did not mention how proud I was of 3 of our young people this weekend. Our precious Beth (13), daughter of who I call our extended family cut her foot the week prior to camping and had 4 stitches the ball of her foot, but she took care each day cleaning and strapping to keep it clean, it limited her ability to join in everything yet she was a real trooper and did not let this spoil her time. My own daughter Ebony (16) who is such a home body and a creature of comfort and also being in those teenage years where hanging with parents just can't be fun or cool, she was not a complainer either, and then Marine (14), who arrived in this country from Malawi in July to join her Mom who took up a new position here in December. Moving into a new country in summer and being a teenager is not easy and there is not much opportunity for her to meet people until she starts school in September so I invited her to join my family (she had only met Mike and I once) - so I think the bravery award goes to Marine. As well as the most mosquito bites!!! Hopefully we haven't scared her away and she will join us again.
It wouldn't be right not to mention my other daughter Lauren who is 14, she is just like her mama although she would hate to admit it at this age, but she is the real trooper, if there is fun to be had, I want to be part of it! She is the quick witted one, so you have to be on your toes to out smart her with a comment, because she is fully loaded to come back at you with both barrels having everyone giggling around. Well those who understand our relationship that is. She was the tent construction team although it was her break time by the time her Dad and I arrived at the site. She travelled with our friends Lance and Louise, Beth and Jamie.
My husband Mike said he didn't need a watch through the night, he could tell what time it was by the amount of air that had escaped the air mattress. By the time his rear was touching the ground it was 5 a.m., what was the best night was leaving all the coverings open and sleeping under the beautiful array of stars.
Warm water, sun, sand, volleyball and golf! I have to say I am quite the golf player and the heat didn't bother me at all! It was the Bermuda Triangle Golf in a bug tent with friends! Yes it was a card game that I was taught on the weekend and it is a real favourite - Thanks Jeff, Lori, Cheri, Peter and Rozanne, honory mention to John! Most of us were sitting around the fire and every now and then someone would disappear to look for someone and they never came back, so I also went to look and never came back!
Then there was the bug prank, I bought a real looking bug just over an inch in length and tricked a few people, although Joe gets the award for the most dynamic leap! Cheri and I had fun as we walked from site to site pulling pranks, and even strangers as I put the bug in my mouth with the antenas sticking out and chewing like I enjoyed it. These two young girls about 17-18 were totally freaked out, as I explained they are full of protein!
Sunday night we received all the rain that was meant for the whole Province as three storms came through one after the other! I had to check on my daughter and friend in the tent last year that leaked - thanks to the waterproofing spray from C.Tire they were kept dry. Unfortunately all our friends did not fare as well - 3 poles of Kimberley and Montgomery's tent broke, and John and Lisa's youngest were experiencing a shower in their sleep, we all met at the washrooms at 5 a.m. discussing our camping woes and so the three little ones jumped into the back of our stow and go van with their sleeping bags to get a little more dry sleep before the morning. Thankfully this was our last night and a few tents will be journeying back to the store from wence they came and we left a few behind that just will not make another journey.
I wonder what the apostle Paul's tents were like? We could have given him some business this weekend.
What was so nice is that it was like a huge family get together. This morning in my devotional I was reading
Matthew 12: 46-50.
As Jesus was speaking to the crowd, his mother and brothers stood outside asking to speak to Him. Someone told Jesus, "your mother and your brothers are outside, and they want to speak to you". Jesus asked "who is my mother? Who are my brothers?" Then he pointed to his disciples and said, "Look these are my mother and brothers. Anyone who does the will of my Father in heaven is my brother and sister and mother!"One profound statement that came from this devotional was sometimes we treat others as
though our brothers and sisters and not
as our brothers and sisters. I think we accomplished the latter this weekend!
Thanks for a great weekend everyone!