Reflecting still on Mother's Day even though this blog is a bit late, my quiet time just doesn't go away these days so I thought if I blogged it you would understand why.
Being a mother of teenagers, with additional job of unpaid taxi, cooking, handing out money here and there and the morning battles to be in the car on time so that I can deliver these precious parcels to school and I can hopefully arrive at work on time. Jesus knew what he was doing when I was given the opportunity of this new job, it is somewhat flexi-time so I can make up the minutes I arrive after 8:30 to the end of the day and no one is checking their watch when I walk in.
This mother's day had it's own challenges, my eldest daugher still in the Middle East and her life in the hands of God everyday, my middle teenager working and choosing not to spend anytime with me, and seeing a picture of myself in my daugher's garbage can on the morning of mother's day. Not a good way to start the day but I constantly had my conversation with God throughout all the moments of the day. Although there were moments I found it hard to keep it together, at any moment I thought if someone said the wrong thing (not even knowing what that wrong thing was) Niagara Falls would burst in banks at the very moment.
Well I have my days when I struggle with the fact "does anyone notice all the stuff I am doing, will it get any easier, will my children understand the reasons a mother has to do the things she does?". It brought me to read of a book called "The invisible woman, when only God sees" a gift from my beautiful friend and sister in ministry Louise. During the course of the book it reflects on the great cathedrals, the author once received a book on cathedrals with the inscription from her family "with admiration for the greatness of what you are building when only God sees". Many of these cathedrals were built by masonry, carpentry and stained glass trades people whose names history will never reveal. Many will have died on the job, devoting their lives and service to something they would not see finished. One story shared a man watching a carpenter carve a tiny bird into the inside beam that would be eventually covered over by the stone roof - the man asked by the worker was spending so much time on something no one would ever see and without a blink of an eye the worker told him "because God sees".
This book moved me to tears and an acceptance of my position in life with my family and my girls. I have started a work that I will probably not be around to see finished and all my hard work that often feels like no-one sees, God sees everything.
Being a mother of teenagers, with additional job of unpaid taxi, cooking, handing out money here and there and the morning battles to be in the car on time so that I can deliver these precious parcels to school and I can hopefully arrive at work on time. Jesus knew what he was doing when I was given the opportunity of this new job, it is somewhat flexi-time so I can make up the minutes I arrive after 8:30 to the end of the day and no one is checking their watch when I walk in.
This mother's day had it's own challenges, my eldest daugher still in the Middle East and her life in the hands of God everyday, my middle teenager working and choosing not to spend anytime with me, and seeing a picture of myself in my daugher's garbage can on the morning of mother's day. Not a good way to start the day but I constantly had my conversation with God throughout all the moments of the day. Although there were moments I found it hard to keep it together, at any moment I thought if someone said the wrong thing (not even knowing what that wrong thing was) Niagara Falls would burst in banks at the very moment.
Well I have my days when I struggle with the fact "does anyone notice all the stuff I am doing, will it get any easier, will my children understand the reasons a mother has to do the things she does?". It brought me to read of a book called "The invisible woman, when only God sees" a gift from my beautiful friend and sister in ministry Louise. During the course of the book it reflects on the great cathedrals, the author once received a book on cathedrals with the inscription from her family "with admiration for the greatness of what you are building when only God sees". Many of these cathedrals were built by masonry, carpentry and stained glass trades people whose names history will never reveal. Many will have died on the job, devoting their lives and service to something they would not see finished. One story shared a man watching a carpenter carve a tiny bird into the inside beam that would be eventually covered over by the stone roof - the man asked by the worker was spending so much time on something no one would ever see and without a blink of an eye the worker told him "because God sees".
This book moved me to tears and an acceptance of my position in life with my family and my girls. I have started a work that I will probably not be around to see finished and all my hard work that often feels like no-one sees, God sees everything.
What is the price of two sparrows—one copper coin ? But not a single sparrow can fall to the ground without your Father knowing it. Matthew 10:29 NLT
So don’t be afraid; you are more valuable to God than a whole flock of sparrows. Matthew 10:31 NLT
She gave this name to the LORD who spoke to her: "You are the God who sees me," for she said, "I have now seen the One who sees me." Genesis 16:13
Know how much you are loved.
Michelle, God does see your work, and He loves you more than any one on this earth ever could. But He is not the only one who sees you or who loves you. Though everyone may not always have the words to express their appreciation for what you do, always know you are loved.
I am one person who thinks you are awesome, and who is so grateful to God for having put you in my life. At one point you asked me to make sure and talk to you when I'm 23. My friend, I've yet to reach that age, but I can tell you one thing now: as long as God still has you and I on this earth, I hope to talk to you now, then and for many years to come until the Father calls us home.
Michelle, you are special and you are loved. Remember that.
I'll say this too, as a young mom, I only now am fully beginning to appreciate all my mom did for me! We are such selfish creatures, daily we lament that kids seem to be all take, take take! It is frustrating for me now, so I shudder to think of it getting worse! Blessings!
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